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The difference between DP interface and DVI interface
 Dec 04, 2023|View:6
  1. When high-bandwidth DisplayPort came out, it could provide bandwidth as high as 10.8Gb/s. Sufficient bandwidth ensured the demand for higher resolution for large-size display devices in the future.

2. Maximize the integration of peripheral devices. Like HDMI, DisplayPort also allows audio and video signals to be transmitted on the same cable, supporting a variety of high-quality digital audio.But more advanced than HDMI, DisplayPort can also achieve more functions on one cable.In addition to the four main transmission channels, DisplayPort also provides a powerful auxiliary channel.The transmission bandwidth of this auxiliary channel is 1Mbps and the maximum delay is only 500μs. It can be directly used as a transmission channel for low-bandwidth data such as voice and video. It can also be used for delay-free game control.It can be seen that DisplayPort can achieve the greatest degree of integration and control of peripheral devices.

3. Both internal and external interfaces There are two types of DisplayPort external connectors: one is the standard type, similar to USB, HDMI and other connectors; the other is the low-profile type, mainly for applications with limited connection area, such as ultra-thin notebook computers .The maximum external connection distance of both connectors can reach 15 meters, and the relevant specifications of the connectors and wiring are ready for future upgrades. Even if DisplayPort adopts the new 2X rate standard (21.6Gbps) in the future, the connectors and wiring do not need to be re-opened. Make a design.In addition to realizing connections between devices, DisplayPort can also be used as an interface within the device, or even as a data interface between chips.For example, DisplayPort "seeks" to replace the mainstream interface between the liquid crystal panel and the drive circuit board in the LCD - the LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling, low-voltage differential signal) interface.DisplayPort's internal connector is only 26.3mm wide and 1.1mm high, which is 30% smaller than the LVDS interface, but the transmission rate is 3.8 times that of LVDS.