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How to choose data cable
 Oct 16, 2023|View:19

·What indicators should I look for when choosing a data cable?

1,Choose data cables made by regular manufacturers

Data cables produced by legitimate manufacturers, whether it is product development, production level, quality inspection and testing, have a rigorous process to produce a better quality and safer products.

2,Choose a cable with good materials and workmanship.

Small resistance, low heat, full charging power, and guaranteed safety are essential indicators of a high-quality data cable. But these indicators need a special instrument to detect, the average consumer is not easy to see. Let's directly choose the brand products of regular manufacturers can be, generally regular manufacturers will use better quality skin material or higher purity of the metal as the wire, better materials, safer to use.

3,Choose a cable that is well made and designed with product details in place.

The workmanship of any data cable with guaranteed quality is not bad. The appearance of the data cable is definitely the finer the better, at least it must be visible to the naked eye fine, after all, the workmanship represents the level of craftsmanship of the manufacturer. General high-quality data cable workmanship is more fine, the plug part of the smooth workmanship. The cottage data cable is obviously shoddy materials, rough workmanship, the plug part of the burr. Some manufacturers of data cables have very good details, such as reinforced joints, set up with charging indicator, plug protection, ties, etc., these manufacturers are making products in a real way, and are trustworthy.

4,After Sales and Warranty

A good after-sales vendor will save you a lot of heartache.